Showing posts with label How Can I Help You?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How Can I Help You?. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Being Nice Makes Me Cool


 Being Nice Makes Me Cool

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to remind everyone to be nice to everyone that they meet. It takes very little effort to be nice. Just offering to help out or to provide a listening ear is already a simple step ahead!

Being Nice Makes Me Cool


Why do you need this?

You definitely need this to encourage yourself to be nice to people around you as it is cool to be nice. Sometimes, you may forget to be nice to people or people may also forget to be nice to you as well. So wearing this can serve as a gentle reminder to all. 

How can you get this?

When you have decided to be nice to be labelled as cool, you may want to get others to be nice like you as well. So it is easier to be nice when people around you are being nice, Don't you agree? It is time to start being nice.

Friday, 16 October 2020

How Can I Help You?

 How Can I Help You?

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to bring out the leadership quality in everyone. You do not need to be rich to help. So why wait? Extend your helping hand to assist a person today!

Why do you need this?

Every now and then, you would see people going around asking for money. You can help them by giving them encouragement instead of money. Have that mentality to serve others and make the world a better place to live in. 

How do you get this?

Give a man a fish, he finishes it in a meal or two. Teach him how to fish and he can use that skill to feed himself a lifetime. Ask if you are able to help. Imagine that one day, everyone would be asking how they could help you. How wonderful that would be!

Monday, 5 October 2020

Be A Star In Others' Lives

 Be A Star In Others' Lives

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to encourage you to be a star in the lives of others. You can make a difference by being there at the right place at the right time. If you notice someone feeling under the weather, you can provide a listening ear. 

Be A Star In Others' Lives


Why do you need this?

Each and every one of us is capable of extending that helping hand to someone who needs it when there is a need. The little things or deeds you do at that point of time can make a difference between life or death at times. Even a simple chat or greeting to acknowledge can make that difference.

How can you get this?

Begin each day by greeting someone on your way to work or along the way when you are jogging or exercising in the park. Even when you are having your leisure stroll, you can also take that opportunity as well. Be a star starting today!