Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Happiness Can Be Found Even In The Darkest Of Times If I Remember To Turn On The Light

 Happiness Can Be Found Even In The Darkest Of Times If I Remember To Turn On The Light

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to encourage people to find happiness when they are in the darkest of times. If you or your friends are feeling lost, you can get one to cheer or encourage them. Happiness can be found in yourself and not others.

Happiness Can Be Found Even In The Darkest Of Times If I Remember To Turn On The Light


Why do you need this?

Get this to remind yourself that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. People sometimes do not know it. They search for happiness elsewhere and in all other places only to find out that they just need to light themselves up. Make happiness a part of you every single day. May you enjoy happiness in your life.

How can you get this?

It is quite easy to get this. You just need to click . You know you want to click it.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

World Peace Begins With Me

 World Peace Begins With Me

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to emphasize the importance of world peace. It all begins with each and every one of us. Only when all of us work together, there will be world peace. Let's take that small step towards world peace together!

Why do you need this?

Get this to show everyone what you believe in. Every one of us wishes to have a peaceful world where everyone coexists in peace. There should be any violence or invasion of any country by another to show its military powers. Make world peace a reality for your generation and many generations after that. 

How can you get this?

You can do your part to spread this message that "World Peace Begins With Me" by getting this. It is that easy. Click on the link to get one now!

Friday, 19 February 2021

A World Without Borders

A World Without Borders

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to envision a world without borders. Why would there be a need to have borders when you could have people working together between countries without the need for visas or passports? Would you like to travel between countries without going through customs? 

A World Without Borders


Why do you need this?

The world that we are in are divided by borders. When you want to travel to another country, you will need to pass through the borders to indicate that you are now in another country. Why is there a need for this? With borders, countries with leaders who want to expand their territories will invade other countries for the resources. This has taken place in history many times. Support a world without borders.

How can you get this?

Make the world a better place with world peace in mind. Remember a world without borders is the first step to stop discrimination around the world. There will not be a country that will be stronger or weaker than others so there is no need for any weapons to prevent invasion. Create awareness for the greater good of mankind by spreading this. 

Monday, 1 February 2021

My Mental Health Matters


 My Mental Health Matters

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to make people aware that one's mental health is very important and should not be neglected or treated lightly. People with mental health issues should seek help and be supported by loved ones. If you think of anyone who needs this, do get one for him or her. 

Why do you need this?

A lot of people work for long hours non-stop without rest. This is extremely harmful to mental health. Your mind needs to be taken care too. Do something before it gets worse before you know it. It comes in different kind of phone cases so that it can remind you wherever you go. Start reminding yourself to be more aware of your mind beginning today. 

How can you get this?

So, what are you waiting for? Help yourself and others by creating awareness about the importance of mental health. Do something about it before it gets a little out of control. Remember, whatever you are doing, your mental health matters! Click on the link now to get one. Treasure your mental health!

Sunday, 31 January 2021

Live Your Dreams


Live Your Dreams

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to encourage those who had dreams since young. Everyone has dreams to become someone great to contribute to society. Are you still waiting for the right time to start living your dreams? This is for you if you are still waiting or you know that your friends are as well.

Live Your Dreams


Why do you need this?

You definitely need this to remind yourself to start working towards your dreams starting from today and now. No one will be waiting for you as you are the one working to make the dream come true in your life. A dream will always remain a dream if you are not working towards it to make it real. 

How can you get this?

So, help yourself a little now by getting one to remind and encourage yourself to live your dreams! What are you waiting for? Click on the link now to get one. May all your dreams come true!

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

I Did It!


I Did It!

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to encourage those who had plans to complete something and really did it. It makes a difference between those who did not and those who did. Be proud to show that you have done it!

I Did It!

Why do you need this?

You definitely need this to put this on when something you had planned for has been completed or done. You may be struggling to complete it. So wearing this can help to encourage yourself that you have finally done it. 

How can you get this?

Sometimes, a little encouragement is needed to push you to do something that you had planned for and this might just be the one that you need. So get one to remind yourself that you have done it. Cheers! Well, it is time for the next one then. 

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

I Did My Best


I Did My Best

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to encourage those who did their best and are feeling sad that things do not turn out. It makes a difference between those who did their best and those who did not. Do your best in whatever you are doing always!

Why do you need this?

You definitely need this to pick yourself up after something that you did was not producing the kind of results that you wanted. You may not be having the best scores or marks. So wearing this can help to encourage yourself that it is not the end after you have done your best. 

How can you get this?

Sometimes, a little encouragement is needed to help you get back to your feet and this might just be the one that you need. So get one to remind yourself that you have done your best already. 

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Being Nice Makes Me Cool


 Being Nice Makes Me Cool

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to remind everyone to be nice to everyone that they meet. It takes very little effort to be nice. Just offering to help out or to provide a listening ear is already a simple step ahead!

Being Nice Makes Me Cool


Why do you need this?

You definitely need this to encourage yourself to be nice to people around you as it is cool to be nice. Sometimes, you may forget to be nice to people or people may also forget to be nice to you as well. So wearing this can serve as a gentle reminder to all. 

How can you get this?

When you have decided to be nice to be labelled as cool, you may want to get others to be nice like you as well. So it is easier to be nice when people around you are being nice, Don't you agree? It is time to start being nice.

Saturday, 17 October 2020

My Children Are My Gifts

 My Children Are My Gifts

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is for those of you who have children or plan to have one soon. It is really fortunate to be able to have children. Treat them well and instil in them the correct values to be one who inspires and help others. Have them experience a memorable childhood, Children are our future!

Why do you need this?

You definitely need this to encourage yourself to take good care of your children especially when they are still young. When they grow older, they have their own way of thinking which may be different from you then. Even when they leave you to form their own families, they will still remember you for all the values you have instil in them.

How can you get this?

That moment that you realised that your children are the most wonderful gifts given to you, you are already a step towards the wonderful feeling of gratitude. That will be the best time to get this as you can now truly appreciate them now that they are your best gifts

Friday, 16 October 2020

How Can I Help You?

 How Can I Help You?

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to bring out the leadership quality in everyone. You do not need to be rich to help. So why wait? Extend your helping hand to assist a person today!

Why do you need this?

Every now and then, you would see people going around asking for money. You can help them by giving them encouragement instead of money. Have that mentality to serve others and make the world a better place to live in. 

How do you get this?

Give a man a fish, he finishes it in a meal or two. Teach him how to fish and he can use that skill to feed himself a lifetime. Ask if you are able to help. Imagine that one day, everyone would be asking how they could help you. How wonderful that would be!

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Choose Words Carefully

 Choose Words Carefully

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is a reminder for those who need to think before they speak. Words can hurt as much. Choose what to say carefully.

Choose Words Carefully


Why do you need this?

Sometimes, people speak what comes to their mind right away without any processing. When that happens, the words used at that moment may not be the most appropriate at that time. This might lead to misunderstandings or conflicts which could be prevented in the first place. 

How can you get this?

You can try to tell yourself to think thrice before you speak. This might work if you constantly tell yourself to do that. You could also make use of some help here.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

I Can Change Myself But Not Seasons

 I Can Change Myself But Not Seasons

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design hopes to encourage you and your loved ones to think of ways to change yourselves instead of trying to change something which could not be changed like the seasons. Make changes to be a better person now!

I Can Change Myself But Not Seasons


Why do you need this?

How many times have you asked yourself to change for the better? Or have you heard yourself asking if it was possible to change the seasons instead? It is possible to change yourself instead of the seasons. So far, there is no one who can change the seasons yet.  

How do you get this?

It is not easy to change yourself especially when you already formed habits. But the truth is that it is easier than you thought. Start with the thing you do before you sleep. You can set your alarm to wake you earlier or go to bed earlier. Whatever it is, you have just made a change in yourself. Continue doing it until it becomes a habit. You can change yourself but not seasons!

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Life Is Beautiful In The Present

 Life Is Beautiful In The Present

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design hopes to inspire you to live in the present instead of thinking of what had happened in the past. It can also be given as a gift to your friends or loved ones to remind them not to live in the past and concentrate on the present. 

Life Is Beautiful In The Present


Why do you need this?

What's past is past. There are better things to do than to spend time thinking about it. For example, how would you like to spend your time with your loved ones this evening? Time spent on thinking of the past is time wasted, 

How can you get this?

Remind yourself that life is beautiful in the present. Focus on the present and now. It is indeed not beneficial to think of the past. In other words, you should spend time looking for suitable products to get for yourself here

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

No to Negative Thoughts

 No To Negative Thoughts

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to remind you or your loved ones to filter negative thoughts and not to let those in. It takes a little more effort to do just that. This can also encourage others to stop all those negative thoughts in their heads when they see this design.

No To Negative Thoughts


Why do you need this? 

Having negative thoughts impede positivity and growth. When the mind is full of negative thoughts, it will make a person a pessimist who can only see nothing but negativity. 

How can you get this?
Whenever a negative thought enters the mind, shut it off. Replace it with the positive version of it. You can get this design here

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Eat Only Healthy Stuff

Eat Only Healthy Stuff 

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is for those who want to start eating healthy stuff. You may be one of those who have heard a lot on healthy eating recently. This is also for those who want to encourage others to eat healthily like you. 

Eat Only Healthy Stuff


Why do you need this?

It is easy for those who have started eating healthily since young. The benefits of eating only healthy stuff outweigh those of eating junk food. You will know what kind of foodstuff you should choose then.    

How can you get this?

Start with juices if you are not used to it yet. Try mixing some fruits in when you are juicing. That way, it will be easier to enjoy the benefits. Choose to eat only healthy stuff starting from today. 

Read Books

Read Books

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is for those who want to feel encouraged by reading books. Nowadays. it is not easy to spare time to read. Every little time you have has been hijacked by other "important" things. 

Read Books


Why do you need this?

Reading is one of the ways to enrich your life. You may want to select books based on your interests and passion. Try to read books that will make your life better. If you love self-help books, read them to get ideas on how to improve your life. The time spent reading will not be wasted.

How can you get this?

Head down to the nearest bookstore or the library. Or better still, you can always get books or pdfs online. What are you waiting for? Start reading and get ideas to make your life better. Choose the products with the design from here

Monday, 5 October 2020

Consolidated Links

 Consolidated Links๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Updated as of 31 May 2021
(Do comment if the links are not working. Thank you!)

Designs You Love

Survey Portals You Can Earn A Little Cash

Earn Points to Redeem Gift Cards Or Cash

Get Paid Reading Emails

Be A Star In Others' Lives

 Be A Star In Others' Lives

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

This design is to encourage you to be a star in the lives of others. You can make a difference by being there at the right place at the right time. If you notice someone feeling under the weather, you can provide a listening ear. 

Be A Star In Others' Lives


Why do you need this?

Each and every one of us is capable of extending that helping hand to someone who needs it when there is a need. The little things or deeds you do at that point of time can make a difference between life or death at times. Even a simple chat or greeting to acknowledge can make that difference.

How can you get this?

Begin each day by greeting someone on your way to work or along the way when you are jogging or exercising in the park. Even when you are having your leisure stroll, you can also take that opportunity as well. Be a star starting today!

Sunday, 4 October 2020

The Sky Is Not The Limit!

 The Sky Is Not The Limit!

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

Have you reached the peak of what you have planned to achieve? Are you telling yourself that there is no way up now that you have reached the sky? There is always something more that you could aim for. Aim to reach out to more people to help them reach their dreams then. 

The Sky Is Not The Limit!


Why do you need this?

By not limiting yourself in your thinking, you will be able to reach higher and of course, help more people who are below. When you tell yourself that you have reached your limit and that you are giving up, your mind and body will automatically shut off. Everything will become stagnant.

How can you get this?

Remind yourself that the sky is not the limit. You can do that by getting something to spur yourself on here

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Think Fruits

 Think Fruits

Click on the title for more.

Who is this for?

Do you love fruits? If you do, that is great! If you don't, think fruits. This design is for those who love fruits and also those who don't. It is never too late to try to include fruits in your diet. 
Why do you need this?

Fruits are natural and full of nutrients. Eating them can prevent illnesses. Continue to have fruits as part of your diet every day. It is part of healthy living. 

How can you get this?

Encourage others to eat more fruits with this design. Take the opportunity to introduce to others the benefit of fruits. You can see more designs here